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Dili, 03 June 2024, PRCPA Remarks for the opening of the ICS Training Leadership, Room of City 8, Manleuana Dili
My respect to, IOM Chief of Mission OIC, Ms. Kristina Carreon. Mr. Joseph Reyes – Lead ICS Instructor, Mr. Dana Simpson – ICS Instructor, Ms. Rumonda Bulan Lubis– Interpreter/Translator Ms. Nurul Sakinah – Assistant interpreter, Civil Protection Commanders and focal points from Municipalities, Directors and representatives from the line ministrie, IOM team and Civil society Representatives.
Good morning.
On behalf of the Government of Timor-Leste, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for its steadfast logistical support to the United States of America of the Forest Service (USFS) in delivering Incident Command System (ICS) training. The ICS framework is a critical component of our national emergency management strategy, particularly for our Civil Protection Authorities.
This training is essential for enhancing our disaster preparedness and response capabilities. By equipping our personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage and coordinate during emergencies, we are strengthening our ability to protect and serve our communities. The ICS training not only improves our operational efficiency but also ensures a cohesive and unified response to any incident, thereby minimizing the impact of disasters on our nation.
When it comes to disaster response and mitigation, it is a collective responsibility that includes the support and collaboration of all line ministries. This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of disaster management are addressed effectively, leveraging the strengths and resources of various sectors.
To the participants, I encourage you to fully engage and focus on the training sessions. The knowledge and skills you acquire here are invaluable in our collective effort to enhance disaster resilience and response. Your dedication and commitment during this training will undoubtedly contribute to the safety and well-being of our communities.
We greatly value the collaborative efforts of IOM and USFS in building the capacity of our emergency responders. Your support has been instrumental in fostering a culture of preparedness and resilience within Timor-Leste. We look forward to seeing you all at the graduation ceremony and celebrating your achievements as you become integral members of our emergency management team.
Thank you once again for your participation and dedication.