+670 77879422 grec@apc.gov.tl

Dili, 13 JuΓ±u 2024- Ekipa husi Gabinete SekretΓ‘ria Estadu Protesaun SivΓ­l no Gabinete Relasaun Esterna no Komunikasaun (SEPC-GREK) hala’o sorumutu ho Atase Polri KBRI Dili, Kombes Pol Don G.M. Da Costa, S.H., Dipl.Tr. iha Embaixada RepΓΊblika Indonezia, Rua Karketu Mota-Ain No.2, Motael,Dili.

Iha sorumutuk ne’e ekipa tΓ©knika rua ne’e diskute kona-bΓ‘ esbosu Nota Entendimentu ba kooperasaun entre Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil, Timor-Leste no Ajensia Nasional Jestaun Dezastre (Badan Nasional Penanggulang Bencana-BNPB) Indonesia iha jestaun risku dezastre.

The team of the Secretariat of State for Civil Protection Office and the External Relations and Communication Office of the Civil Protection Authority held a meeting with the Police Attache Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Dili, Col. Don G.M. Da Costa, S.H., Dipl.Tr. At the Rua Karketu Mota-Ain No.2, Motael, Dili.

At the meeting, the two technical teams discussed a draft Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Secretariat of State for Civil ProtectionTimor-Leste and the National Agency for Disaster Management (Badan Nasional Penanggulang Bencana – BNPB) Indonesia in disaster risk management.