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Japaun, 19 Juñu 2024- Prezidenti Autoridade Protesaun Sivíl, Sup. Polisia Ismael da Costa Babo Partisipa iha UR 24 Global Forum, Himeji Japaun.

Presidenti APC Reprezenta Governo Timor-Leste hanesan panalista iha sesaun ho tópiku Disater-Fragiliy, Conflic and Violence.

Disaster-Fragility, Conflict and Violence (D-FCV) Focus Day (20 June, Thursday, Session)

Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear Moderated, Dear Speaker and panelist colleagues

It is a great pleasure for me to share the achievement of Timor-Leste on Disaster-fragility, conflict and Violence, and I want to thank you on behalf of Government of Timor-Leste to World Bank, Government of Japan in particular HIMEJI City. I am humbled to address such a distinguished audience at this Understanding Risk 24 Global Forum.

Timor-Leste has experienced a long journey of fragility, conflict and violence during the struggle for independence. We can classify it as a man-made disaster, but also not apart from natural disasters, considering Timor-Leste is a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) and one of the world’s youngest countries. It is in Southeast Asia. It grapples with preexisting vulnerabilities and the threat of geophysical and hydrometeorological hazards, which are exacerbated by climate change.

Democratization, peacebuilding and Clime change are common objectives of all States seeking to abide by principles of transparency, freedom, justice, human rights and solidarity. At the same time, they represent a permanent challenge, particularly in times of crisis. The polarization of opinions, interests and power may bring substantial new threats to the survival of democracy,

Economic, Catastrophes and even humankind itself. That is how complex and uncertain our century is.

These unique circumstances require a robust and adaptive Timor-Leste national interest integration approach, a reconciliation mechanism on political will for disaster risk management in prevention – mitigation, emergency response and relief and recovery against state threats, using efficient and effective all resources of the nation-state under the national integrated security system.

In this regards, Key Internal achievements of Timor-Leste’s newly emergency response agency as our national effort to tackle disaster-fragility, conflict and violence nexus. Within less than 2 years, the Civil Protection Authority of Timor- Leste (CPA), is able to implement the national disaster risk governance into some concrete actions: which are:

  1. The National Civil Protection Emergency Response Plan (NCPEP) that will be the main reference for the government and partners in responding to disasters. This plan also outlines how we conduct risk governance that determines the scale and necessary actions to respond to disaster. The plan is complemented by a set of Annexes, one of which is a comprehensive Rapid Assessment template. These templates help us collect risk and impact data, which will support us in making decisions on determining activation levels and type of emergency declaration (Level 1, 2, and 3 or what we call global response). Upon data and information collection, as part of the NCPEP Annexes, we have templates for disseminating information to the public and the Government. Recently, we have had new partnerships with telecommunication providers to help us broadcast messages for early warning to communities.
  2. The development of the National Disaster Risk Management Strategy, along with our relevant government counterparts, so that DRR can be streamlined into sectors.
  3. Our vision towards the assimilation process with Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN), in this context is through the ASEAN Disaster Management Architecture that aims to be a global leader in disaster management.
  4. The main challenges faced are related with the establishment of a new institution such as CPA, as well as the institutional and legal framework for this institution to carry out its mandate.
  5. Innovative ideas to overcome challenges as new institution include overcoming insufficient data on vulnerability, with the development of its own multi-hazard assessment forms. And although the National Council has been established, CPA strives to involve and coordinate with other line ministries, and also CSO’s, private sector and religious institutions, whose inputs and contributions also feed into the decision-making process.
  6. In addition, the current challenge with administrative and financial autonomy, namely lack of its own contingency funding.


Keywords by Eminent Person of g7+ H.E. Xanana Gusmão, former President and currently Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, he says:

“If you really want peace, safety and stability, you have to put everything behind you. If not, you will live under the trauma of the past. You will not see the future never build back better”

Fragility, conflict and violence, through the resolution of reconciliation to build a future with strong resilience and innovation, in line with our respective traditions.

invest in the present to strengthen the future, Thank you very much.