+670 77879422 grec@apc.gov.tl

Vietname, 12 Outubru 2023-Presidente Autoridade Proteção Civil (APC) Sup. Polisia Ismael da Costa Babo, Akompaña Adjunto Aero mariano Ana Lopes, Claudio Martins de Jesus, Assesor Prinsipal SEPC, Nuno Celestino Maria Soares Martins Sekretáriu Exekutivu SEPC no Reprezentante UN Alex Tilman, Reprezenta Governu Timor-Leste partisipa iha 11Th ASEAN MINISTERIAL  MEETING  ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT, 12th  COP TO AADMER MEETING AND RELATED, MEETINGS. HA LONG VIETNAME 2023.

Sorumutu ne’e komisaun ASEAN ba jestaun dezastre (ACDM) kontribuisaun boot hodi harii rezilénsia ba dezastre iha rejiaun ASEAN. Sorumutu ne’e apresia hodi orienta no superviziona implementasaun Programa Servisu AADMER nian iha tinan 2021-2025, nomós konsellu administradór sentru AHA nian

Sorumutuk ne’e aprova deklarasaun ministeriál Longu kona-bá haforsa Asaun Antisipatória ASEAN nian iha jestaun dezastre husi tema Prezidensia AMMDM iha Vietname Naran “Husi resposta ba asaun no reziliénsia antisipatória:  ASEAN nia viajen ba lideransa global iha jestaun dezastre,” enkontru ne’e ko’alia liu kona-bá importánsia atu reforsa sistema jestaun risku dezastre nian hodi fornese asaun antisipatória, inklui maibé la’ós de’it ba bloku tolu tuir mai -” Informasaun kona-bá risku, previzaun no sistema avizu sedu,” “planeamentu, operasaun no entrega,” no “promove finansiamentu pre-arrangadu” husi Enkuadramentu ASEAN kona-bá Asaun Antisipatóriu iha Jestaun Dezastre.

Entertantu komisaun mós fó oportunidade ba Timor-Leste hanesan observado ho hala’o nia intervensaun ba enkontru The 43rd Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management no Asean Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management.

Iha diskursu ne’e Prezidenti APC hateten, Thank you, your Excellency Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of socialist Republic of Viet-Nam, the chairman of AMMDM and Vice chairman of AMMDM.


Members of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management, The ASEAN Secretariat, and, The Executives Secretariat of AHA Centre,

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great honor and privilege  for me to address this meeting representing Timor-Leste, an observer member’s state of ASEAN. As you all know, membership of ASEAN community has been one of our long-held dreams.

However, the welcome our delegation receives at meetings such as this, our engagement with all of you, are encouraging signal that the historical moment, when we become a full member of the community of ASEAN countries, is no longer a matter of possibility but an inevitability.

Therefore, on behalf of my government, I would like to convey our most sincere gratitude to all of you for making us feel accepted as part of this great family, in particular, to collaborate closely with you on disaster management and disaster risk reduction.

Distinguished honorable, Ladies and gentlemen,

On this ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster management, today 12 October 2023, in Ha Long, Viet Nam, under the theme “From response to anticipatory action and resilience: ASEAN’s journey towards global leadership in disaster management,” allow me to begin by congratulating the organizers for successfully convening the 11th ASEAN MINISTERIAL MEETING ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT (AMMDM), 12th CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE ASEAN AGREEMENT ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND EMERGENCY RESPONS (COP TO AADMER) and the 43th ASEAN COMITTE ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT (ACDM) during the week.

These gatherings are a golden opportunity for Timor-Leste to share lessons, to actively engage in this area and to strengthen our partnership with all the members so that we can together make the world safer for everyone, especially for my fellow country men and women.

Timor-Leste, a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), is a young nation characterized by pre-existing vulnerabilities, patterns of discrimination, and risk of geophysical and hydrometeorological hazards, the latter of which is more intense and frequent because of climate change.

A significant population resides in areas already impacted by coastal erosion and sea-level rise, leading to migration out of coastal areas while some people live with the risks. The rainfall pattern is projected to be more erratic and extreme, leading to increased soil erosion, frequent landslides and flooding.

Considered the youngest nation in Asia and the second youngest in the world, we are modest enough to admit that we have a lot to learn from the knowledge and experience of every member of the AMMDM. This gathering is considered one of the strongest and most active sectors in ASEAN because you ensure the region can reduce the impact of disasters and emergencies through collaboration and partnership initiatives. To promote the esprit of humanitarianism and solidarity, the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) is the foundation of ASEAN’s exemplary practices.

Through the IX Constitutional Government, Timor-Leste is committed to enhancing our disaster risk management capacity, which aligns with AADMER, the Sendai Framework, and the Paris Agreement to address climate-related challenges.On 27 September, the Council of Ministers approved Timor-Leste’s contribution of 100,000 USD to the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management (AHA Centre) because we underlined the importance of understanding and monitoring disaster, climate, and transboundary risks for an effective and evidence-based emergency preparedness and move from disaster response to anticipatory action and resilience in all ASEAN member states.

As I speak to you today, Timor-Leste is bracing for the impacts of El Nino. The IX Constitutional Government, the Civil Protection Authority, and other DRM actors are preparing for its impact, considering the high social vulnerability of the communities we serve due to limited coping capacity. We are trying our best, but we cannot do it alone. Timor-Leste needs allies, especially in ACDM and AMMDM, so we can leverage the vast experience of the Member States.

Timor-Leste’s priorities, as outlined in our National Disaster Risk Management Strategy include: Strengthening Institutional capacity, Focused and sustainable capacity development programmes for preparedness and response, Building resilient infrastructure, and Forging strategic partnerships.

We will need to invest in the four priority areas to become stronger as an organization so that we can achieve our dream of a resilient Timor-Leste.

And we are eager to sustain these accomplishments by committing ourselves to continue to engage with AMMDM’s key partners, specially China, Japan and Korea. We look forward to future meetings between AMMDM plus the three governments.

Before I conclude my remarks, I would like to again express my most sincere gratitude to members of the AMMDM, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the AHA Center. We look forward to greater and stronger collaboration with all of you. Last, but not least, we would also like to extend our deep gratitude to Government of Viet-Nam for kindly hosting this important gathering and for the tremendous hospitality afforded to us.

Finally, on behalf of the People of Timor-Leste, please allow me to also congratulate the leadership of BRUNEI DARUSSALAM for taking the chairmanship of the 44th ACDM and the 12th AMMDM. My dear colleagues, the Civil Protection Authority of Timor-Leste is humbly at your disposal.

Obrigado Barak, Thanks you very much!




Foto & Textu; Negro (GREC-APC)