+670 77879422 grec@apc.gov.tl

Dili, 7 fevereiru 2024- Forsa Defesa Estadus Unidus Amerika no ilha Rhode Guarda Nasional, Major Justin Oswell akompaña husi Captain Bernard Cortes vizita Centru Operasaun Nasional APC (CNOPC) simu diretamente husi Prezidenti APC Superientendente Polisia Ismael da Costa Babo iha edifisiu APC Kaikoli Kuarta-feira ne’e.

Objetivu husi vizita ne’e atu halo diskusaun oinsa iha parte rua bele kontinua hametin kapasidade iha area dezastre nian.

Aleinde ne’e husi parte teknik CNOPC mós halo aprezentasaun kona-ba alerta sedu ba perigu rai nakdoko, tsunami no hidrometeorologiku.

Partisipa iha vizita ne’e, Adjuntu Aero Mariano Ana Lopes, Adjuntu Terrestre Martinho Fátima, Adjuntu Maritima Cosme Camilo da Costa no funsionariu CNOPC.

English verssion !!!

Dili, 7 February 2024, The United States Defense Force counterparts and Rhode Island National Guard Major Justin Oswell and Captain Bernard Cortes visit the National Operation Centre for Civil Protection.

The purpose of the visit was to discuss how the two parties can continue to strengthen their capacity in the disaster area.

In addition, the National Operation Centre for Civil Protection added that it also presented early warning for earthquakes, tsunamis, and hydrometeorological hazards in Timor – Leste.

The visit was attended by the Deputy for Air Operation Mariano Ana Lopes, the Deputy for Maritime Operation Cosme Camilo da Costa, the Deputy for Land Operation Martinho Fátima, and all the staff of CNOPC.

F/T: Bethy (GREC-APC)