+670 77879422 grec@apc.gov.tl

Dili, 29 February 2024-The Government of Timor-Leste, through the Ministry of the Interior and the Secretariat of State for Civil Protection and the Civil Protection Authority (APC), in partnership with the European Union (EU), the Pacific Community (SPC), officially launched the implementation of โ€œBuilding Safety and Resilience in the Pacific Phase II (BSRP II) project in Timor-Lesteโ€today, at the office of Civil

Protection Authority in Caicoli, Dili.

This important initiative aims to strengthen disaster resilience and preparedness across the Pacific, showcasing a unified commitment to protecting communities from the unpredictable challenges posed by natural disasters and climate change.

The BSRP II project, generously funded under the 11th European Development Fund with 14MEUR including EUR 550,000 specifically for Timor-Leste, is a continuation of the efforts initiated by itspredecessor to mitigate the impacts of disasters in the region. This collaborative project involves agencies from 15 Pacific Island Countries (PICs), representing a comprehensive approach under the Intra-ACP Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (NDRRP).

In remarks made at the launch, His Excellency Domingos Mariano Reis, State Secretary for Civil Protection, affirmed the Government’s dedication to supporting the BSRP II project. “Following the signing of the MoU on January 4, 2024, we are fully committed to the successful implementation of the BSRP II project. This initiative is crucial for enhancing our disaster risk governance, building Multisectoral resilience, and ensuring inclusive participation in our efforts to combat the effects of disasters and climate change,” stated His Excellency.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the representatives from the Civil Protection Authority, led by Superintendent Ismail da Costa Babo, and the Pacific Community, represented by Deputy Director General for Science and Capability, Dr. Paula Vivili, laid out the project’s ambitious goals. These include (i) improving disaster risk governance in Timor-Leste; (ii) enhancing Multisectoral resilience and readiness for effective response and recovery; and (iii) fostering inclusive participation in the project’s design, implementation, and evaluation.

The European Union (EU) representative to Timor-Leste, Deputy Head of Mission, Mr. Christoph Sorg also shared insights into the initiative, reflecting on the challenges posed by Tropical Cyclone Seroja in 2021 and emphasizing the project’s role in bolstering the region’s resilience. “The BSRP II project represents our collective beacon of hope and resilience, aiming to strengthen our preparedness and response to disasters,” the Deputy Head of Mission remarked.

As the Pacific region continues to face increasing threats from natural disasters and climate change, the launch of the BSRP II project marks a significant milestone in the collective effort to safeguard and enhance the resilience of communities. Through partnership and collaboration, Timor-Leste and its Pacific neighbors are poised to make significant strides in mitigating the impacts of disasters and securing a safer future for generations to come.

Cipry, Bazy & Ferdy (GREC-APC)